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This website is growing fast and there are many pages to be uploaded but there is one important factor you should know. This vinyl record site is written by a real person.

This contact form is here for your convenience. It is my goal to create a fun and entertaining site for everyone to enjoy the good old days of vinyl records. And maybe at some point be the best vinyl record site on the web.

I realize different people have different tastes. With that in mind, I am open to any suggestions you may have.

Please let me know what I can do to improve this site and make it more interesting for you. I value your input and would appreciate any feedback to help determine how best I can serve you.

Rest assured, I am not in the Spam business. That's why I use this form.

Thank you for visiting. Please fill out the form with your specific question or suggestions and I will make every effort to get back to you within 24 hours.

Danny Sandrik

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DJ Ned Ward

Ned Ward's Oldies Show...

Listen to Ned Ward's Oldies Show, Saturday and Sunday from Noon to 3pm, all times Pacific. DJ Ned Ward turns music into memories playing yesterday's Classic Hits from the 40's thru the 90's on the new and exciting KNCP Newberry Mix 107.3 FM.

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An Old Song &
A New Friend

"I don't usually contact doo wop article authors as I rarely find much value in the articles, but your article struck me as sincere, genuine and respectful."

Tom Sokira,
Producer, Audio Engineer
"In The Still Of The Night" (1956)

Read the story here...

Flooded With Memories...

Danny, I could not believe the content of your website. It is just amazing to recall so much we lived through just by checking out so many old posters & album covers.

Your site floods me with memories & reinforces my belief that it truly was a great time to be a teenager. Good work, Danny, please stick with it.

Sincerely Dale

"Duke of Earl" Homecoming

I just read your article on Duke of Earl/Vee Jay Records. My father was Randy Wood, President of Vee Jay at the time.

I'm doing some research on the company and am learning how influential Vee Jay was in shaping the future of music.  Nice to see your web page.

Michele Marotta
February 15, 2015

Read the Duke of Earl story.

Memories, Memories

"Thank you so much for all the work you have done on these pages.  I found my way here, and spent the next two hours in absolute bliss. Memories, memories...thank you for rekindling them."

Bob Douglass,

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