Singing in the Rain
Classic Old Movies

Gene Kelly #1 Rated musical all-time.

This Singing in the rain classic old movies song and dance tune was performed by Gene Kelly in the 1952 movie of the same name.

It remains the #1 musical all-time and the song is listed at #3 on the list of the top 100 songs in American cinema.

This page is more about the Gene Kelly song and dance than it is about the other two main characters, Donald O'Conner and Debbie Reynolds. Their performance was truly outstanding but who would not conclude the "Singing in the Rain" scene as the most special in the movie. 

The Classic Old Movies from years gone by will include my very favorite musicals and movie theme songs I have enjoyed over the years. I hope you find some are among your favorites too.

Some are not listed in the top 100 musicals by the American Film Institute but I have the option of replacing some of their choices with a few of mine.

The Singing in the Rain lyrics was written by Arthur Freed and published in 1929. The musical stars Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds and Donald O'Connor.

Kelly has always been one of my favorite actors and I enjoyed his acting because he always played likeable characters on screen.

He could act, dance, sing, was a film director, producer, and choreographer.

Singing in the Rain
Classic Old Movies Review.

My favorite review of the "Singing in the Rain" movie was by a man named Michael O'Connor.

I have never met Mr. O'Connor but he said it best and echoed my thoughts as I read his review.

"To my mind, the most magical sequence EVER filmed was Gene Kelly's inspiring dance in the rain from "Singing in the Rain."

Though you knew it was "just" a dance sequence by a talented hoofer in a movie, Kelly's joyful, masterful performance convinced you that, here indeed, was a man who had just fallen in love.

Every gesture, every step brimmed with seemingly spontaneous exuberance and goodwill. When he swung from the lamppost and that huge smile spread across his face, you just knew magic was in the air."

This is a fun movie for me because of the great song and dance routines, but I especially enjoyed the choreography on this song.

The video below is a perfect example of Gene Kelly's amazing dance talent.

How can you watch this and not smile?

Singing in the Rain Classic Old Movies
Music by Nacio Herb Brown
Lyrics - Arthur Freed


I'm singin' in the rain...Just singin' in the rain
What a glorious feelin'...I'm happy again
I'm laughing at clouds...So dark up above
The sun's in my heart...And I'm ready for love

Let the stormy clouds chase...Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain...I've a smile on my face
I walk down the lane...With a happy refrain
just singin'...singin' in the rain

dancin' in the rain...

Im happy again...

I'm singin' and dancin' in the rain...

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