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The golden age of vinyl records and all things retro are the highlights of my Newsletter.
Writing stories based on my vinyl record collection is my way of sharing memories and keeping the oldies alive.
I do appreciate the time you take to read my newsletter.
Issue 051 - May, 2017
When I received the May issue of the American Legion magazine the touching cover photo gave me pause. I could not put it down until I read the article titled "The Missing Marines of Tarawa Return Home."
More than 1,100 Marines were killed during three days of the most concentrated combat of the war. Another 2,500 were wounded. All but 17 of the 4,500 Japanese troops died in the fighting or killed themselves.
Tarawa was so heavily fortified a Japanese admiral reportedly claimed the United States couldn't take it with a million men.
The magazine’s art director, Holly Soria, said one reader emailed that “the photo stopped him in his tracks and is an image for eternity.”
It shows two horses pulling a wagon with a flag-draped coffin, followed by flag-bearers carrying the Stars and Stripes. The photo was taken at a distance by Clay Lomneth of The American Legion.
The funeral was that of Sgt Fae Moore, age 23, who died in 1943 at the Battle of Tarawa in the Pacific, and whose remains were identified recently by DNA. More than 70 years later he is returned home from that battle field.
He was buried in early October, 2016, next to his parents in Beaver Valley Cemetery, 18 miles east of Chadron, Nebraska.
Please stop and take time on this Memorial day to honor those who died while serving in the military.
Our "Beach Music" contact lady, Lynne W., sent an email pointing to her favorite new music program, Jukin' Oldies. The music show features a dozen DJ's dedicated to the promotion and preservation of the "swing and sway" music most of us have forgotten.
I jumped over to the Jukin' Oldies home page to hear some of those forgotten treasures. The program names shouted out to come on in and join the party. The first show name that drew my attention was John Hook's "The Roadhouse Blues, Boogie and Fish Fry Show."
Other shows with down home titles include "Beer Joint Jamboree," "The Juke Joint," "Down on The Street Corner," and "The Johnny Angel Heavenly Soul Show," just to name a few of the DJ dozen.
I decided to give a listen and the first song I hear around 9:15 in the evening is this #3 song from 1957...Oh Yeah!
Click on the link or photo above and listen to some of those forgotten treasures.
This past Wednesday, May 24th, while listening to Ned Ward's Country Doo-Wop show he introduced his special guests, members of the Classy High Lakes Car Club. They were promoting their 19th Annual Show-n-Shine Car show.
After reviewing their website I discovered they are more than just a Car Club. Started in 1975 the current members still maintain the original intent of the group....to preserve and further the appreciation and love of old cars, and to be an asset to the community! And indeed they are.
Every year at Christmas the High Lakes Car Club donates food, toys and money to the Christmas Baskets and the SCOOTR Toy Run.
They also donate during the year to many other worthy organizations who are helping the people in their community. They help bond the community together with their generous support throughout the year.
If you are in the La Pine, Oregon area and surrounding states don't miss this quality event with a unique Car Club that leads with their motto - Not Just About "Old Cars", it's About "Community."
Contact the High Lakes Car Club for all the details.
In this era of digital downloads and streaming music the small corner record shop might appear a little old-fashioned.
But, in fact, record stores served as community centers, information exchanges, and "thrill of the chase" art galleries from a time when record buying was always a fun thing to do.
And how about this cool motorcycle ride to get you from one record shop to the next in search of all those cool bands.
I love vinyl records, but vinyl cover art receives extra special attention in my collection. I am a devoted vinyl cover lover, however, I do not consider myself a true vinyl junkie.
A vinyl junkie is not some person who has a few old 45's stored in their basement or closet from their days in high school.
Vinyl junkies are the people who will travel hunderds, or even thousands of miles to purchase a rare b-side by a band that may have only recorded two songs since 1962.
Vinyl junkies are the people who own every copy of every record produced by their favorite artist from every pressing and printing in existence. That's not me. However, I have found great original albums at estate sales and barn sales throughout Michigan and other states.
Vinyl junkies are the people who love that black plastic more than anything else in their lives. Are you a vinyl junkie or the person who simply appreciates great music contained inside beautifully designed vinyl LP cover art?
Excerpts are from the book Vinyl Junkies available at all major book stores.
A few weeks ago my friend, DJ Ned Ward, introduced me to Sleepy LaBeef. As I do most Monday's and Wednesday's, I tuned in to catch some Sleepy LaBeef rockabilly on Ned's Country Doo-wop show.
I was pleasantly surprised to hear this First-Generation Rocker. Growing up a rockabilly fan I could not understand how I missed LaBeef's music.
I soon discovered Sleepy LaBeef has shared bills with practically every great in music history including Elvis, George Jones, Roy Orbison, Carl Perkins and many others.
All my life I have listened to all kinds of music, but I never ran across this guy.
LaBeef may have been on the radio in Southern Ohio in the 50's & 60's, but with Elvis, Ricky Nelson and all the Doo-Wop groups dominating the music scene at the time, he may not have received his fair share of air play in my area.
Today, at 76, Sleepy still performs two hundred shows a year and plays with such energy that people a third of his age find it hard to keep up with him.
Got a favorite oldie you'd like to hear? Send your request to Ned, or better yet, give him a call and request your favorite oldie. He'd love to hear from you.
I've listened to and written about a lot of oldies, but I continue to hear songs on Ned's show that I have never heard before.
Contact Ned here to request a song.
Listen to my favorite Country Doo-Wop show Monday thru Saturday from 1pm to 3pm, all times Pacific.
DJ Ned Ward turns music into memories playing yesterday's Country Favorites and the Classic Hits of the 50's and 60's Doo Wop style on the new and exciting KNCP Newberry Mix 107.3 FM.
You won't be disappointed.
If you have any favorite vinyl record topics you'd like to see on this site, please click here and enter your information in the contact form. I would love to hear from you.
All the best,
Danny Lee Sandrik
Vinyl Record Memories
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