Vinyl Record Memories Newsletter

The golden age of vinyl records and all things retro are the highlights of my Newsletter. Writing stories about my vinyl record memories with added content from my collection is my way of sharing memories and keeping the oldies alive.

I do hope that you enjoy these little stories, I write. They are short, they will not win any prizes for literature, but it’s all about the music and our vinyl record memories.

We wish you lots of fun on this journey to the time of Drive-In Movies, Pizza Parlors, Malt Shops, and those memorable Friday & Saturday night school dances. 

Issue #120 - May, 2023

In This Issue:

  • A Tribute To Our Fallen Soldiers.
  • Country Doo-Wop Spotlight Song - A Deuce and a Merc.
  • Crazy 'Bout A Mercury - When Cars Were Cool.
  • '55 Ford - The Refreshments - A VRM Favorite.
  • Bobby Darin Would Have Turned 87 This Month.
  • Anna May Bullock (Proud Mary) has died.
  • A Rock-n-Roll Timeline - The year 1962.
  • You Might Like These Stories - More Vinyl Record Memories.
  • What's Next?

A Tribute to Fallen Soldiers

American Flag

This Memorial Day we honor those men and women - Our sons and daughters, husbands and wives, fathers, brothers, sisters, mothers who have laid down their life for our country.

Memorial Day, an American holiday observed on the last Monday of May, honors men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military.

Despite the increasing celebration of the holiday as a summer rite of passage, this is all about remembering the men and women that sacrificed so everybody could live freely. It is important to take the time to remember their sacrifice and to understand that is what built this country.

Each month we give a little shout-out to our favorite radio program, Ned Ward's Country Doo-Wop show. Our friend, Ned, along with producer, Mr. Barney, airs the show from out Oregon way and if you tune in you just might hear Ned talk a little about Vinyl Record Memories. Listen in Monday thru Saturday from 1pm to 3pm, all times Pacific, on KNCP Newberry Mix 107.3 FM.

Country Doo-Wop Spotlight Song
(Little Deuce Coupe - Crazy 'Bout A Mercury)

No matter what you're driving, a Little Deuce Coupe or an early Mercury custom cruiser, you'll be ridin' in style listening to all the classic oldies when you tune-in to the Country doo-wop show with our DJ buddy, Ned Ward.

The photo below displays a picture of the 1961 Hot Rod magazine with the Little Deuce Coupe on the cover.  The magazine was purchased many years ago when the Danbury Mint released their Little Deuce Coupe replica, a perfect reproduction of the original '32 Ford.  All the Beach Boys items shown remain in my collection today.

1961 original hot rod magazine cover, original Beach Boys albums, and limited edition 1932 Ford Little Deuce Coupe.

The video below was put together when the Little Deuce Coupe was on loan at the Henry Ford Museum in Detroit, MI.  Watch the video as Curt Catallo, current owner and son of Clarence "Chili" Catallo, gives his take on this one of a kind Deuce from the past. 

Continue reading the fascinating story about how the Little Deuce Coupe became one of the Most Famous Hot Rods in History.

Crazy 'Bout A Mercury

Another great song played regularly on the Country Doo-Wop Show, this song was specifically influenced by the Mercury Eight model, which James Dean drives in the 1955 movie, Rebel Without a Cause.

"Crazy 'bout a Mercury, Lord I'm crazy 'bout a Mercury. I'm gonna buy me a Mercury and cruise it up and down the road."

The 1949 Mercury Eight Coupe that James Dean drove in Rebel Without A Cause has been kept safe and sound all these years at the National Automobile Museum in Reno, Nevada in its originally condition. A popular customized version is shown below. 

Classic Mercury custom.

Betcha Didn't Know - The rights to the song were purchased by Ford Motor Company, which used it for a television commercial with Jackson's slightly tweaked vocals: "I'm crazy 'bout a Ford truck."

The song, originally titled "Mercury Boogie," was written by Robert L. Geddins and blues musician and songwriter K.C. Douglas and first recorded by Douglas in 1948. Alan Jackson landed a No. 2 hit on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart with his 1993 single of "Mercury Blues."

Do You Own A '55 Ford?
(This One's For You)

Several years back I discovered a Swedish rock group called The Refreshments, a multiple gold and platinum album-selling rock group formed in 1989. I took notice, especially with the piano player, Johan Blohm, and his live performance of '55 Ford.

'55 Ford by The Refreshments.

Keeping with the Ford Hot Rod highlights for this newsletter I could not overlook this great band and their recording of '55 Ford. The song contains some great lyrics and allows many of the older generation a look back on when we got our first car as teens and we just knew.... If I had that car everything would be fine.  Still, it's just a fantasy....Until I can afford that '55 Ford.

My very first car was a '57 Chevy but this article and song are for all the Ford lovers who stopped by to read this month's newsletter. I've added the first couple of verses to get your motor runnin'.....enjoy!

There's gotta be some changes made in my life
I wanna ride around in style dressed sharp as a knife
I'm tired of walkin' around here all alone
I need to get me a motor of my own

If I had that car everything would be fine
All the beautiful women in town would be standin' in line
They'll be chasin' me when I'm comin' on down the street
Cryin' daddy daddy, please let me take a seat

That's the way it's gonna be
Still, it's just a fantasy
Until I can afford that '55 Ford.....

Remembering Walden Robert Cassotto (Bobby Darin)
(May 14, 1936 – December 20, 1973)

Bobby Darin May 2023 Newsletter

Bobby Darin was born to a poor, working-class Italian-American family in the Bronx, New York. In 1958 Darin wrote a song on a bet he could not write a song that began with the words, "Splish Splash, I was takin' a bath." The song became a instant hit selling more than a million records.

In 1959, Bobby Darin recorded "Dream Lover", a ballad that became a multi-million seller with a 45rpm record I still have in my collection. Gone too soon we miss his talent. Those of us who grew up during this special musical era witnessed real talent and the very best of times.

In January 1971, Darin underwent his first heart surgery in an attempt to correct some of the heart damage he had lived with since childhood. In 1973, Darin’s ill health took a turn for the worse.

On December 19, 1973, a five-man surgical team worked for over six hours to repair his damaged heart. However, although the surgery was initially successful Darin died literally minutes afterward in the recovery room without regaining consciousness on December 20, 1973.

Bobby Darin was just 37 years old at the time of his death. His first wife, Sandra Dee, never re-married. She passed away in February 2005.

Tina Turner (November 26, 1939 - May 24th, 2023)

Anna Mae Bullock - We lost Tina Turner on May 24th, 2023. She was an American Rock icon residing in Switzerland. Turner, a two-time inductee in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and a perennial on Greatest Performer lists was a 2005 recipient of the Kennedy Center Honors. She retired in 2009 following her Tina!: 50th Anniversary Tour, which remains one of the highest-grossing tours of the 2000s.

Tina had great moves, a great voice, and as John Denver once said “She was put on this earth to teach women how to walk in high heel shoes”.

Tina Turner’s live concert at the GelreDome in Arnhem, Netherlands on March 21, 2009, where she also performed other hits such as What’s Love Got To Do With It, River Deep, and Mountain High. Enjoy this exciting live concert and appreciate her unique ability to perform at such a high level while nearing age 70.

A Rock-n-Roll Timeline
(When did Rock-n-Roll Begin)


Excerpts from the book...The Golden Age of Rock-n-Roll.

This month we continue with our Rock-n-Roll Timeline and the year 1962.  The is the last of the series. Stay tuned and subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss important updates.


  • The Beatles audition for Decca Records in London and are rejected.
  • Nine months later The Beatles recorded "Love Me Do" in London for Parlophone Records.
  • The Supreme's first recordings are released.
  • James Brown records his famous Live At the Apollo album.

Ever thought of having your own website? I built Vinyl Record Memories "from scratch" with SoloBuildIt! Click below to find out more....

You might also like these stories...

  • Vinyl Record Memories of Lollipop & Mr. Sandman brings back warm, fuzzy memories of an era and the fabulous harmonies of these four pretty gals. More than 60 years later these two songs still resonates with listeners, and as a result, still remain current. Read more...
  • Some Classic Oldies that have been over looked or do not get their fair share of radio play. Many have simply been forgotten. This classic is one you may have overlooked.
  • This song first published in 1926 was a #1 recording by Elvis in 1960 and when this gifted lady added her special touch her cover made the list of our special cover songs.

I hope you find time to visit more great stories about growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s. You can start here.... 

Looking for that special song, artist, or group on this site?

What's Next?

Johan Blohm and The Refreshments return with more Boogie Woogie Piano.

More original framed album cover art.

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Flooded With Memories...

Danny, I could not believe the content of your website. It is just amazing to recall so much we lived through just by checking out so many old posters & album covers.

Your site floods me with memories & reinforces my belief that it truly was a great time to be a teenager. Good work, Danny, please stick with it.

Sincerely Dale

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A True Story...
"Darling Lorraine"

Danny, Great job !!!! I can't express enough how much my mother would have been so happy with your work on her song. As for myself and the rest of my family, we really appreciate your time & effort to let everyone who is interested in her song know the true story behind it.  Read more...

Thanx so much, Bob

"Duke of Earl" Homecoming

I just read your article on Duke of Earl/Vee Jay Records. My father was Randy Wood, President of Vee Jay at the time.

I'm doing some research on the company and am learning how influential Vee Jay was in shaping the future of music.  Nice to see your web page.

Michele Marotta
February 15, 2015

Read the Duke of Earl story.

An Old Song
A New Friend

"I don't usually contact doo wop article authors as I rarely find much value in the articles, but your article struck me as sincere, genuine and respectful."

Tom Sokira,
Producer, Audio Engineer
"In The Still Of The Night" (1956)

Read the story here.

One Classic After Another...

Thanks for an excellent musical experience. I found your website by accident and just kept enjoying one classic after another. Great job! Like yourself, I'm still enjoying my vinyl collection. We share many of the same favorite artists.

Regards, Jim Miles

A kind reply
From a grateful family.

Danny, I think you did a great job and my family enjoyed it as well. I have had some more time to go through your site and find it to be fantastic, and your personal story is great as well. 

You truly are a blessing to all of Us. Thanks for sharing your memories with us. I look forward to seeing and hearing more from you.

Paul Giacalone

The song "You Were Mine" was written by Paul Giacalone. Read the story here.