Vinyl Record Lovers Newsletter

The golden age of vinyl records and all things retro are the highlights of my Newsletter. Writing stories about my vinyl record memories with added content from my collection is my way of sharing memories and keeping the oldies alive.

I do hope that you enjoy these little stories, I write. They are short, they will not win any prizes for literature, but it’s all about the music and our vinyl record memories.

We wish you lots of fun on this journey to the time of Drive-In Movies, Pizza Parlors, and Malt Shops, and who can forget those Friday night school dances. 

Issue #112 - November, 2022

In This Issue:

  • Christmas Gift Suggestions.
  • National Jukebox Day - November 23, 2022
  • A Trip Down A 50s Jukebox Memory Lane.
  • Model Trains - A Perfect Gift from A Perfect Source.
  • A Double Surprise Christmas at Dale Klee Art.
  • Tom Port Returns - High Dollar Vinyl Christmas Gifts.
  • Zamzar File Conversion.

What's New?

Are you at a loss for what to give this Christmas?  This month we offer suggestions on Christmas gifts from hand painted classic car art to custom digital art work of your personal ride, from model trains to vinyl records, and FREE online music 5 days a week on the Country Doo Wop show hosted by my friend and DJ, Ned Ward.
National Jukebox Day is celebrated the same day each year on the day before Thanksgiving so let me give you my view on how I feel about The American Made Jukebox. Come with me on this memorable trip down memory lane to that special place on your 50s radio dial.
Hard to believe that many adults reading this did not ask for a train set during those make-believe years when mom and dad would tell you to simply ask Santa for one. Trains had a nostalgic magnetism that was undeniable, even for many who’d never even been on one.
Dale Klee art is back and my strong recommendation for a favorite Christmas gift which includes some Custom Digital Art Work for your special ride.
Tom Port's High Dollar Vinyl returns for another look at some new vinyl, some going for nearly a thousand dollars. For those's not about the money. A unique Christmas gift for sure.
Zamzar - File conversion made easy. No software to download. Just select your file, pick a format to convert to and away you go. My personal favorite choice for file conversion.

Vinyl Record Memories and
The Original Country Doo Wop Show.

Each month we give a little shout-out to our favorite radio program, Ned Ward's Country Doo-Wop show. Our friend, Ned, along with producer, Mr. Barney, airs the show from out Oregon way and if you tune in you just might hear Ned talk a little about Vinyl Record Memories. Listen in Monday thru Saturday from 1pm to 3pm, all times Pacific, on KNCP Newberry Mix 107.3 FM.

Let's get started...

The American Made Jukebox.

National Jukebox day, the day before Thanksgiving each year, seeks to encourage people to play their favorite songs on a jukebox. A "jukebox" is a term used for what was the first coin operated music playing device.  And one of the most beautiful and most collected is this Wurlitzer 1015 model made between 1946 and 1947.

Wurlitzer Jukebox 1015

The American made Jukebox. It was found almost anyplace people gathered to eat or drink - in soda shops and pizza parlors, diners, restaurants, and truck stops. For a nickel, then a dime and finally a quarter, people could play if they were willing to pay.

Those days have since passed. Over the years beset by rising costs, declining profits, video games and especially digital music, the coin-operated music machine, or jukebox, may soon be a distant melody. The modern day digital jukeboxes are eroding the corner-bar experience.

Low key corner bars are romantic just like old pickup trucks are romantic, cherished as a symbol for a certain way of life along with the brightly colored Jukebox in the corner. On the other hand, the fight to control the playlist on a current digital jukebox is a struggle between the group’s happiness and the individual’s.

With the older jukebox models, selection was limited but in tune with the character of a place. Certain music fit in with certain bars, especially the neighborhood bar. You actually had to stand up, walk over (or stagger) to the Jukebox to select your favorites.

And as teenagers, how many dates were made at the malt shops when duck-tails and poni-tails would gather around the jukebox waiting to make a selection.

50s Jukebox Nov 2022 newsletter

With digital apps and music, like TouchTunes, every bar's jukebox is becoming the same. You can just sit at your table and order music by phone. What possible fun could that be compared to the way teenagers listened to music in the fifties.

Here's a sample of what music was like in the 50s - Take a trip with me and Bowzer down memory lane to a special place when your radio dial was your own personal jukebox.

Building A Model Railroad Empire.

As a parent or grandparent if you love trains your search is over! Here is the perfect place to visit anytime, but especially during Christmas. My friend Greg Wrath and his Building Your Model Railroad will certainly bring a smile to that special child on Christmas morning. If you are a train lover, Greg's model train haven should be at the top of your Christmas list. I have provided links below to help you find that perfect train gift.

Build Model Railroad Greg Wrath

"It’s been my experience that many who ride trains could care less where they’re going. For them it’s the journey itself and the people they meet along the way. That’s why trains are so popular with kids and adults at Christmas. No matter how fast we feel we have to go, shouldn’t there be room for a train, where you can just sit back, take a breath, and be a kid for a little while? Just for a little while? Is that so bad? People don’t rush on a train, because that’s not what trains are for. How do you put a dollar value on that?" ― David Baldacci, The Christmas Train

If you are a model railroader or like to learn more, visit Building Your Model Railroad and let my friend Greg Wrath  put a smile on the face of that special child this Christmas morning. A perfect gift from a reliable source. You can also add Greg's Resources and References page relating to model trains and railroads, many of which are credible, interesting, educational, and fun to review. And a nice added review on what Greg has to say about our Vinyl Record Memories train songs and stories. 

Dale Klee Art - A Double Surprise Gift.

Dale Klee Art Copyright

Dale paints all my favorite hot rods, classic cars, motorcycles and trucks from a time in history when I was growing up. His paintings are perfect examples of exactly how these classics looked at the time.
I know...I was there.

A favorite of mine titled "A Few Good Years" is a perfect painting of the Tri-five chevy years, '55, '56 & '57. Accurate detail is crucial to his work, so don't overlook each and every automotive art scene Dale has painted.

A special gift from Dale Klee Art for that good car buddy you've been friends with since back in the day. And don't forget to add Dale's 2023 Calendar to the list.

Wes Klee Digital Art Canvas.
(Part 2, Double Surprise)

And for all who currently own a piece of automotive history, or your every day driver, you can now turn your favorite photo into a piece of timeless art! Each art piece is custom created by Wes Klee from the photo of your choice. View samples and special pricing here. Another great and unique Christmas gift.

Wes Klee 55 Chevy

Tom Port - He Claims To Have Better Records.

Would you pay up to $1,000.00 for this man's vinyl? Many do and I wanted to know why, so in 2018, I contacted him. Here is another vinyl record memories recommended Christmas gift for those who appreciate (and can afford) the ultimate in analog sound. 

Tom Port Better Records

On his website Tom acknowledged that many people find the ideas (and the prices!) on our website shocking. We take only the best sounding copies – we call them "Hot Stampers” – and make them available exclusively to those who appreciate (and can afford) the ultimate in analog sound.

We're unique in that we're the only record dealers who base the price of their records on the quality of their sound. 

I found Tom's site an exciting read and wanted to pass on information that would be of value to some of the more serious Audiophiles who visit my Vinyl Record Memories site. This is another unique Christmas gift that comes with a 100% Money Back, No Questions Asked Guarantee on every record they sell. Purchase your Better Records gift here.

Zamzar Logo

In September, 2022,  I was looking to covert 24 very old video files from flv to mp4 when I stumbled across an excellent source called Zamzar, a perfect inexpensive solution to my problem. I discovered they were able to covert a wide range of different formats including images, videos & sound and supported 1100 plus formats. Their service was easy to use and their support team was eager to help if needed.

Zamzar: "We have been successfully converting files since 2006, with millions of happy customers."

I highly recommend Zamzar (and no I don't get a commission) if you have files that need converted. You can visit the Zamzar site here.

Subscribe above and enjoy all articles FREE.

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Vinyl Record Memories Newsletter...

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Classic Golden OldiesThe
50's, 60's & 70's

Three unforgettable decades, full of musical magic, incredible artists and songs, and memories that will last forever. Read more...

Keeping Old Vinyl Music Alive.

Congratulations on an outstanding site. I am from old school. I was 13 when Rock & Roll erupted in 1955. I would literally run home from school to watch Bandstand every day. I lived outside Philly and grew up with all the Philadelphia music scene and its performers. Keep up the good work and I thank you for your time and effort in keeping the old vinyl music alive for us and future generations.

Bill Moore,
Lugoff, SC
Deceased 2020

Bill was our first newsletter subscriber.
Rest easy, my friend.

A True Story...
"Darling Lorraine"

Danny, Great job !!!! I can't express enough how much my mother would have been so happy with your work on her song. As for myself and the rest of my family, we really appreciate your time & effort to let everyone who is interested in her song know the true story behind it.  Read more...

Thanx so much, Bob

"Duke of Earl" Homecoming

I just read your article on Duke of Earl/Vee Jay Records. My father was Randy Wood, President of Vee Jay at the time.

I'm doing some research on the company and am learning how influential Vee Jay was in shaping the future of music.  Nice to see your web page.

Michele Marotta
February 15, 2015

Read the Duke of Earl story.

One Classic After Another...

Thanks for an excellent musical experience. I found your website by accident and just kept enjoying one classic after another. Great job! Like yourself, I'm still enjoying my vinyl collection. We share many of the same favorite artists.

Regards, Jim Miles

Love Your Comments!

"Just stumbled onto this site and decided to stay and visit for a while. You have it laid out so wonderfully. Easy to get around and love your comments. Thanks for my trip down memory lane. Really, really enjoyed it."

Priscilla Hernandez,

An Old Song
A New Friend

"I don't usually contact doo wop article authors as I rarely find much value in the articles, but your article struck me as sincere, genuine and respectful."

Tom Sokira,
Producer, Audio Engineer
"In The Still Of The Night" (1956)

Read the story here.

Best Train Song Ever?

The City of New Orleans is a well-written train song with a beautiful message. If you love the song you probably like trains. If you like trains, this song is sure to delight you. Come with me and Ride That Train.

Memories, Memories

"Thank you so much for all the work you have done on these pages.  I found my way here, and spent the next two hours in absolute bliss. Memories, memories...thank you for rekindling them."

Bob Douglass,

Flooded With Memories...

Danny, I could not believe the content of your website. It is just amazing to recall so much we lived through just by checking out so many old posters & album covers.

Your site floods me with memories & reinforces my belief that it truly was a great time to be a teenager. Good work, Danny, please stick with it.

Sincerely Dale

A kind reply
From a grateful family.

Danny, I think you did a great job and my family enjoyed it as well. I have had some more time to go through your site and find it to be fantastic, and your personal story is great as well. 

You truly are a blessing to all of Us. Thanks for sharing your memories with us. I look forward to seeing and hearing more from you.

Paul Giacalone

The song "You Were Mine" was written by Paul Giacalone. Read the story here.

American Graffiti...
Where Were You In 62?

Read more about America's last age of innocence at vinyl record

Classic coming-of-age story set against the 1960s backdrop of hot rods, drive-ins and rock and roll...and is considered one of the best teen movies ever made. A cool trip down memory lane.

Back To The Fifties
Burgers and Fires.

Burgers and Fries rod and customs

It was simple and good back then never thinking it would end. Cruising the drive-in restaurants where guys with duck tails met gals with pony tails. It was Burgers and Fries and Cherry Pies in a world we used to know.  Read the Burgers & Fries story here.

Don't Break the Heart
That Loves You.

This haunting ballad is about a plea from a heartbroken teenager trying to understand why her boyfriend is going out of his way to treat her unkindly. Read more...

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