Vinyl Record Memories Newsletter

The golden age of vinyl records and all things retro are the highlights of our Newsletter. Writing stories about my vinyl record memories with added content from my collection is my way of sharing memories and keeping the oldies alive.

Issue #138 - November, 2024

What's New?

  • As the holiday season begins this week, we thank you for your friendship and support over the years.
  • DJ Ned Ward's Spotlight song this month is one that created one of the most memorable songs of the early 90's.
  • Classic Cover Songs - Two of the best covers of the Beach Boys Classic, Don't Worry Baby.
  • The Perfect Gift: He's been on Santa's Nice List all year and we think he deserves to be added to your collection of unique Holiday gifts.
  • You might also like these stories...

Happy Thanksgiving! May you and your family enjoy a grand feast and loving company.

In the United States, Thanksgiving is historically a day to praise and thank God for our blessings and ask Him to heal the nation's wounds. It was in 1863, during the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday. Have a safe and wonderful Holiday Season.

Country Doo Wop Spotlight Song Of The Month.

Ned Ward Country Doo Wop Show

Take a trip down memory lane with with the original classic oldies show - Monday thru Saturday from 1pm to 3pm, all times Pacific, on KNCP Newberry Mix 107.3 FM. 

Ned Ward turns music into memories playing yesterday's country favorites and the classic hits of the 50's and 60's Doo Wop style on the Original Country Doo Wop show.

Should've Been A Cowboy.

DJ Ned Ward and his producer, Mr. Barney, delivered another great choice  for the Country Doo-Wop Show, "Spotlight Song of the Month." Ned's Spotlight song this month is one that helped Toby Keith become a household name. 

Released at the beginning of 1993, "Should’ve Been a Cowboy" became the most-played country music song of the 1990s, with millions of plays on country radio.

It’s hard to imagine that when guys look back on their lives they don’t dream about being a cowboy. Name-checking characters from Gunsmoke and legendary singing movie cowboys like Roy Rogers and Gene Autry, and including everything from six-shooters to cattle drives, Keith expertly incorporated and rhymed everything he needed for a hit song.

It expresses the love for the cowboy life and the envy all of the little kids in us had when we saw our heroes on the big screen. "Should’ve Been A Cowboy" can certainly be considered the all-time greatest cowboy song. Thanks for the memories, Toby.

Classic Cover Songs - "Don't Worry Baby."

The Ronettes' "Be My Baby" greatly influenced Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys, who has often called it the greatest pop record ever made. He was so inspired by its production that he wrote "Don't Worry Baby" as a tribute to the song.  Here are two great cover versions of this Beach Boys classic.

Lorrie Morgan Beach Boys Cover Song.

Don't Worry Baby is a song about a teenager who agrees to a challenge race with a rival to defend his honor after bragging about his car and his girlfriend's plea to take her love with him when he races.

Lorrie must have been thrilled singing with The Beach Boys as she is smiling every step of the way, and never sounded better. A country voice with a sexy tone covering an old Beach Boys song hit the spot. What a treat watching Lorrie Morgan and The Beach Boys sing together.

Billy Joel Beach Boys Cover Song.

One thing many may not realize is how strong a cover artist Billy Joel is. Two of his Elvis covers, "All Shook Up," and "Heartbreak Hotel," are a couple of our favorites but his cover of The Beach Boys, "Don't Worry Baby" might be the best cover Joel has done.

Special Christmas T-Shirt - Order Yours Today!

Introducing the Old Guys Rule annual, limited edition, 2024 Christmas Tee!

  • For the Life of the Christmas Party: Roll up to this year's Holiday party in Saint Nick style. Can't get him to wear an ugly Christmas Sweater? Our Limited Edition 2024 Old Guys Rule Holiday Tee is a no-brainer.
  • The Perfect Gift: He's been on Santa's Nice List all year and we think he deserves to add to his OGR Collection. Whether it's for your husband, dad, grandpa, uncle or brother just make sure they're not too sensitive about their "old" age! Click Here to order or Click on the Photo to order.
  • Old Guys Rule Christmas T-Shirt. Order yours today!

    You might also like these stories...

    • If there were ever a song with perfect lyrics that you just wanted to share with others and send back in time it would surely have to be the vinyl record memories of this classic love song. See if this one might also be one of your favorites. 
    • The song spent 23 weeks on the top 40 charts beginning 7/22/57. It was #1 for five weeks replacing Elvis Presley's Teddy Bear on Sept 2, 1957. This classic is one you may have overlooked. Step back in time here.
    • It is truly amazing that of all the artists that covered this beautiful song, Johnny Tillotson never received the notice or credit he deserved for his flawless recorded performance. He earned his place on our list of special cover songs. 

    I hope you find time to visit more great stories about growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s. You can start here....

    Looking for that special song, artist, or group on this site?

    What's Next?

    December will provide a Blue Christmas return with Elvis and Martina McBride and a look back at the original Elvis Christmas Special.

    Ever thought of having your own website? I built Vinyl Record Memories "from scratch" with SoloBuildIt! Click below to find out more....

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    An Old Song
    A New Friend

    "I don't usually contact doo wop article authors as I rarely find much value in the articles, but your article struck me as sincere, genuine and respectful."

    Tom Sokira,
    Producer, Audio Engineer
    "In The Still Of The Night" (1956)

    Read the story here.

    Flooded With Memories...

    Danny, I could not believe the content of your website. It is just amazing to recall so much we lived through just by checking out so many old posters & album covers.

    Your site floods me with memories & reinforces my belief that it truly was a great time to be a teenager. Good work, Danny, please stick with it.

    Sincerely Dale

    A True Story...
    "Darling Lorraine"

    Danny, Great job !!!! I can't express enough how much my mother would have been so happy with your work on her song. As for myself and the rest of my family, we really appreciate your time & effort to let everyone who is interested in her song know the true story behind it.  Read more...

    Thanx so much, Bob

    A kind reply
    From a grateful family.

    Danny, I think you did a great job and my family enjoyed it as well. I have had some more time to go through your site and find it to be fantastic, and your personal story is great as well. 

    You truly are a blessing to all of Us. Thanks for sharing your memories with us. I look forward to seeing and hearing more from you.

    Paul Giacalone

    The song "You Were Mine" was written by Paul Giacalone. Read the story here.

    "Duke of Earl" Homecoming

    I just read your article on Duke of Earl/Vee Jay Records. My father was Randy Wood, President of Vee Jay at the time.

    I'm doing some research on the company and am learning how influential Vee Jay was in shaping the future of music.  Nice to see your web page.

    Michele Marotta
    February 15, 2015

    Read the Duke of Earl story.

    Memories, Memories

    "Thank you so much for all the work you have done on these pages.  I found my way here, and spent the next two hours in absolute bliss. Memories, memories...thank you for rekindling them."

    Bob Douglass,

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